Treatment for aDD & ADHD in teens

ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common neurodevelopmental condition often diagnosed during childhood. ADHD in adolescents affects approximately 11% of school-age children. As these individuals develop into young adults, they often face particular challenges.

Regardless of age, ADHD can have a significant impact on one’s daily functioning and overall well-being. How a person is affected, and to what degree, depends on the subtype. Nevertheless, managing ADHD in teenagers is feasible, and acting early can help your child address the challenges they may face.

teen adhd treatment

Types Of ADHD

There are three major subtypes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder:


  • Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive type: The symptoms of this subtype primarily manifest with hyperactivity and/or impulsive symptoms. This subtype is typified by very few or no inattentive symptoms. This subtype is considered the most rare.
  • Predominantly Inattentive type: This subtype presents with inattentive symptoms, with few or no hyperactive symptoms.
  • Combination ADHD: This subtype involves symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity.

Causes Of ADHD

The cause(s) of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are not fully understood. This applies to all three types of ADHD. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a test identified to screen for or assess the risk of developing ADHD. That being said, research does indicate a neurobiological basis for ADHD. Scientists believe a combination of genes and environment can contribute to developing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Symptoms Of ADHD

The general symptoms to look out for if you think your teen may suffer from any of the three types of ADHD are:

  • Difficulty sustaining attention and concentration
  • Easily distracted
  • Act impulsively

ADHD can present quite differently depending on the age of the individual and the subtype they suffer from. There is a wide range of possible symptoms and teen ADHD treatment options available.

treatment for teen adhd


Symptoms associated with inattentive ADHD in teenagers are:

  • Having difficulty paying attention to a task for more than a few minutes
  • Appear to have trouble listening when spoken to
  • Lose things often
  • Are easily distracted
  • Often are forgetful

Hyperactive Impulsive ADHD

ADHD and impulsivity in teens can be hard to distinguish for some. A teen with symptoms of hyperactivity may:

  • Fidget often
  • Have trouble staying seated
  • Struggle with occupying themselves quietly
  • Talk a lot

Another common issue for teens struggling with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, regardless of type, is executive functioning problems. Executive functioning assists individuals in thinking about goals and consequences of actions and plays a crucial role in planning and evaluating progress.

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Best Treatments For ADHD

Although there is no cure for ADHD, with appropriate treatment, your teen’s attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can be well managed. Thankfully, this applies to all three types of ADHD. Treatment options include:


  • Behavior therapy: This is often for both the parents and the child with ADHD. This type of therapy can increase your child’s behavioral health over time.
  • Medication: If behavior therapy alone is ineffective in managing your child’s symptoms, medication may be suggested. Depending on the type of ADHD, either stimulant or non-stimulant medication may be prescribed.

Co-Occurring Disorders In Teens

Another common issue for teens struggling with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, regardless of type, is executive functioning problems. Executive functioning assists individuals in thinking about goals and consequences of actions and plays a crucial role in planning and evaluating progress.

  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD): Oppositional defiant disorder affects teens by making it difficult to follow rules and having an increased tendency to lose temper and argue with others.
  • Conduct disorder (CD): Conduct disorder is a much more severe version of ODD. While difficulty following the rules is a part of CD, individuals who struggle with it often engage in illegal and/or dangerous behaviors (i.e., fighting, stealing, trespassing).
  • Mood disorders: Although teens with ADHD can also struggle with a wide range of mood disorders, major depressive disorder is the most common. Depression and ADHD in teenagers mean not only dealing with the difficult ADHD symptoms but also experiencing sadness, irritability, loss of interest in activities, etc.
  • ADHD and anxiety in teens: Research indicates up to 40% of individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may also have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders can range broadly, but they all involve excessive worry, difficulty stopping worrying, and associated uncomfortable physical symptoms.
  • Substance and/or alcohol dependence: As a parent of a teenager, you likely already wonder if your teen uses substances or alcohol. If your teen has been diagnosed with ADHD, this may be more of a concern, as the risk for substance/alcohol use ranges anywhere from 10-25%.

Your Teen’s Life With ADHD

Although you may logically understand the symptoms of ADHD in your teen, it is important to appreciate how they are affected on a day-to-day basis to learn best how to help your teenager with ADHD.


If your teenager is in high school, then his or her academic life is probably already pretty stressful. Add an ADHD diagnosis into the mix, and things can feel overwhelming. Because of the increased workload and level of difficulty of assignments, your teen may be feeling a lot of pressure to perform. Teens with ADHD can benefit from extra help with study skills, note-taking, time management, and organization. There is also the possibility of special accommodations to help assist your child in reaching his or her academic potential.

Home Life

As a teen, it is natural to have conflict with parents or caregivers. Yet, if your teen has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, chances are the conflicts are more frequent. Teenagers with ADHD often find it hard to complete tasks (homework, chores, etc.) or follow rules (due to inattention), which can often be a point of contention between parents and kids.

Social Issues For Teens With ADHD

Socialization is a major part of development during the adolescent and teen years. However, because relationships can be difficult to navigate at times, emotions can run high. Your teen with ADHD may be particularly emotionally sensitive regarding friends and romantic relationships, or they struggle to form relationships in the first place.

treatment center for adhd

ADHD can be a tough diagnosis to navigate for both you and your teenage child. To find out more about support and residential treatment center options, contact the treatment team at Polaris at 1-844-836-0222.

To learn more about polaris or to speak with our admissions team, call us today.