Newsletter July 2024

Polaris Residential Treatment Centers for Teens

Meet Shelby Becker, RD
Shelby Becker is a Registered Dietitian with a Bachelors in Nutrition and Dietetics from California State University, Northridge. Shelby completed her Dietetic Internship at the West Los Angeles Veteran Affairs, rotating in two eating disorder outpatient group practices. While there, she found her passion for supporting people in bettering their relationship with food, movement and their bodies. Prior to Polaris, Shelby worked extensively with clients suffering from eating disorders/disordered eating in both a residential treatment center as well as in outpatient settings. She is HAES informed, client centered and guides her practice with an all foods fit approach. She aims to help clients with: intuitive eating (when appropriate); regaining body trust; connecting to hunger and fullness cues; weight restoration/and or maintenance; identifying and addressing food rules; and rejecting diet culture. Shelby is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian Professionals. Shelby presented recently at the AYAC on the Impact of Social Media on Gen Z Eating Disorders.
Summer at Polaris
Polaris is up to a lot this Summer! Did you know we have a surf therapy program. Learn more here!

Zuma Beach at sunset. Summer at Polaris means lots of outings to our local beaches for surf therapy and fun in sand.

PRIDELARIS celebration! The kids designed their own flags and decorated the Polaris homes in June for Pride Month.
Polaris co-hosted our annual Burrito Bash with friends and colleagues at WCSAD
We're Celebrating 10 Years
You are invited to join us in celebrating our 10 year anniversary.
Save the date
Wednesday, September 25
Details to Come!
For Admissions questions contact Admission Director\Angi Grassley, MBA Outreach contact Wendy Adamson