Community Mental Health Center Los Angeles

by Polaris Teen Center | Nov 2, 2016 | Mental Health, Resources, Treatment

A Helping Hand

Trusted Mental Health Care in Los Angeles

Polaris Teen Center in Los Angeles, California, stands out when you’re looking for an effective mental health care. There are a number of reasons we’ve had success working with teens who suffer from anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse issues and other mental health problems and self-destructive behaviors.

Your Teen is a Unique Person – and We’ll Treat Them that Way

One of the big problems parents of teenagers who struggle with mental health issues express is that their teen is lumped into a category and written off. As a parent, it’s frustrating and heartbreaking and leaves you thinking that there has to be a better, more effective way to help teens manage their mental disorders.

Perhaps the main reason that our teen treatment center has enjoyed so much success is because we approach each client as an individual. We know that no two adolescents are alike – and therefore, the treatment approach should not be exactly alike from one teen to the next. Our adolescent treatment facility offers professional therapist who specialize in working with teenager through a wide variety of therapeutic techniques. From cognitive therapy to dialectical behavior therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing to a variety of alternative therapies, we work with your teenager to help him or her find what works for them.

A Community Health Center Los Angeles Where Teens Can Find Real Help and Hope

While we offer and encourage 12 step residential Los Angeles, we don’t stop there. The 12 steps have been invaluable to many people’s recovery, including many in teen rehab centers, but they’re not the only tool needed by most teens. We diagnose the underlying conditions that are causing addictive or other self-destructive behaviors in your teen and help them work their way back to healthy living with a better understanding of what they’re struggling with.

There are lots of adolescent anxiety treatment centers out there, but you’d be hard pressed to find one with a more intensive and comprehensive approach to helping teenagers. We take the time to help make sure your teen’s stay in our facility provides them with the tools they need to rise above their disorders and potentially self-destructive behaviors.

polaris teen rehab logo

Polaris Teen Center is a residential treatment facility for teens and adolescents suffering from severe mental health disorders. Our highly accredited facility is fully licensed and certified in Trauma Informed Care and is a part of the Behavioral Health Association of Providers (formerly AATA).