How Many Transgender Teens Are There? Approximately 150,000 American teens (ages 13 to 17) identify as transgender in the United States today. Of course, there is no general age in which people typically “discover” or “come out” as transgender. Nonetheless, more and...
How to Know If Your Child Is Transgender
There is no simple test to tell if a child is transgender. Experts often refer to the idea of insistence, consistency, and persistence in terms of gauging whether a child is just going through a phase or not. This means the more insistent a child is, and the longer...
A Guide for Parents: Supporting Transgender Teens
This article will attempt to answer common questions that parents may have about teen transgenderism. Though the subject of being transgender has recently gained increased attention due to various social movements and media coverage, transgenderism is something that...
Transgender Identity Affirmation and Mental Health
The Relationship Between Transgender Identity Affirmation & Mental Health Whether we are willing to admit it as parents or not, gender and sex can both be very complicated subjects. Both gender and sex can complicate the life of a teenager, and if they identify as...
Transgender Identity Should Not Be Treated as a Mental Illness
In a nation that is just 300 years past believing that if a woman floated in water that means she is a witch, there is no denying that our society has quite frequently had a problem with incorrectly labeling things. When people are confronted with something that is...