Trauma Informed
cognitive behavioral Therapy

Proven, evidence based approach

Mental Health is a very delicate practice, and should be handled with the most effective course of care. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a proven, evidence-based treatment, with an extremely high success rate in ensuring recovery for those suffering from mental health disorders. This specialized, tailored approach helps patients develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving, which aim to reduce their psychological distress.

Cognitive behavioral therapy first arrived in the therapeutic world in 1960’s when psychiatrist Aaron Beck was researching treatment effectiveness in depression. Beck began to explore the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in his clients. Through this work, the theory behind CBT came to the forefront when Beck realized his clients were experiencing a vast amount of internal dialogue, much of which was causing distress. Beck supposed this internal dialogue was significantly impacting the way the person was feeling emotionally.

Cognitive behavioral therapy posits the way a person perceives a situation affects the way he or she feels emotionally. Essentially, a situation does not directly affect one’s feelings and/or emotions, rather the thoughts the person has about that situation.

CBT is most effective in treating underlying trauma related to mental health disorders - including:


CBT In Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy assists people in identifying which thoughts are contributing to distress, in addition to challenging any distorted thoughts. By picking out distortions, those thoughts can then be challenged and reframed in more realistic terms, often resulting in emotional relief.

Cognitive behavioral therapists understand that through changing thinking patterns, individuals can feel better. Yet many cognitive behavioral therapists also apply this same approach in a more longitudinal sense. CBT often involves exploring the origin of distorted thoughts and beliefs, and identifying assumptions and “rules” which shape a person’s world-view. Understanding all of this can be used to help drive change in the present.

Although cognitive behavioral therapy is largely focused on thought patterns, it may also involve various methods aimed towards changing behavioral patterns. These approaches might include:

  • Helping clients face fears
  • Using role-playing as a way to prepare for difficult interpersonal interactions.
  • Healthy coping skills to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment.

Key Terms In CBT

Cognitive formulation – the beliefs and behavioral strategies that characterize a specific disorder.

Conceptualization – understanding the individual behavior patterns and beliefs of a client.

Cognitive model – this term describes the idea that a person’s perception of a situation is more closely related to his or her reaction than to the situation itself.

Automatic thoughts – ideas and/or thoughts that seem to pop into ones mind, out of nowhere.

cognitive behavioral therapy
trauma informed cbt

The Process To Recovery

Our CBT Program is run by our incredible, dedicated & experienced team of experts.
To provide additional incite, we have simplified the treatment process into six steps for our readers:


  • Psychological Assessment
  • Conceptualization
  • Skills Acquisition
  • Skills Training, Consolidation & Practice
  • Life Application & Skills Maintenance
  • Post Treatment Assessment Follow-Up

CBT Program Information

Data and evidence prove that through the application of CBT, adolescent mental health can show substantial improvements over time. It is crucial that each individual’s unique beliefs and traumas are properly identified prior to treatment. In this program, teens are shown how their thoughts, emotions and behaviors collectively influence one another, identifying critical behaviors to develop healthy, foundation coping mechanisms.

This process takes time, which is why we believe residential treatment is critical to the CBT process. Mental health is not something like a cold that can be remedied in a few days with rest and medicine. It takes sustained effort, a knowledgeable staff and guidance to thoroughly implement positive change, helping the individual shift towards a healthier, more positive outlook. Life before CBT can be like wearing very dirty glasses, and through the course of our program those glasses are wiped clean, so that each patient is left with a lasting, clear view of the world around them.

Whether you or a loved one has been experiencing negative impacts from depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective, long term solution for recovery provided at Polaris.

trauma cognitive behavioral therapy

polaris teen center is a premier facility for adolescent mental health recovery. to learn more about polaris click below.