Although it is often assumed that young people are more carefree than adults, their lives are full of emotional ups and downs. This is hugely evident in the statistics regarding adolescent and teen mental health, with as many as one out of every five adolescents and...
Mental Health
What to Pack for Residential Treatment
Entering residential treatment can be a difficult, confusing, and stressful time for both the parents and the adolescent or teenager going to treatment. Before physically entering a residential treatment program, patients will learn what to expect from their stay in...
Teens and Mental Health: Common Problems, Issues, Disorders and What You Can Do To Help
Mental illness is hugely common in adolescents and teenagers. In fact, approximately one in five young people meet criteria for at least one mental illness. Mental health issues can affect all areas of a teen’s life, from school performance to socialization and how...
Treatment for Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Adolescence
Oppositional defiant disorder in teens (ODD) is one of the more common mental health disorders and falls under the umbrella of disruptive behavior disorders. Adolescents with oppositional defiant disorder demonstrate disobedient, defiant and/or hostile behavior,...
When To Seek Residential Treatment for Your Teen
Residential treatment centers provide individualized mental and behavioral health care for youth struggling with a variety of issues and struggles. Residential treatment programs often address the following: Trauma and abuse Depression and/or anxiety Eating...
Important Teen Mental Health Statistics for Parents
TEENAGE MENTAL HEALTH STATISTICS Mental illness is a disorder of brain function. There are many different classes and categories of mental health disorders, and those who suffer from mental illness do not do so by choice. Various factors can cause and/or contribute...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Teens
The adolescent and teenage years are a challenging phase of life. During this time, it is fairly common for youth to develop certain habits and quirks in an attempt to manage the various stressors. Yet for some, these individual “quirks” can indicate the presence of...
Six Symptoms of PTSD in Teenagers
Post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop following a traumatic event. PTSD can occur in teens who experience a traumatic event personally, are witness to a traumatic event, or in rare cases, hear about a trauma that has...
Panic Attacks in Teens – A Guide for Parents
As human beings, our bodies have a natural, built in “fight-or-flight” response when danger is sensed. The brain activates adrenaline in the body to trigger the response to either “fight” the danger or to escape (the “flight”). Although this “fight-or-flight”...
Impacts of Social Media on Teen Health
Social media is a constant in life for most people, especially teenagers. According to the research, 90% of teenagers are on at least one social media site. Adolescents and teens today are the first generation to have grown up with social media, and do not know the...
The Relationship between Technology and Teenage Depression
Excessive use of social media, smartphones, and other technologies has had a demonstrably negative impact on the mental health of America’s teenagers. For better or for worse, many of these technologies seem to have established themselves as a permanent component of...
LGBTQ Youth and Mental Health Treatment
LGBTQ Youth Today, adolescents are coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) at higher rates than ever before, and at younger ages. With this trend, public awareness and therapeutic services for LGBTQ individuals have significantly...
Discussing the Teenage Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic
When most people hear the term “drug abuse”, they immediately think of substances that can be bought on the street. Most of our educational and national dialogue efforts are focused on these drugs, and these are the drugs you hear about most often in the news. But...
Teen Depression Guide: Symptoms, Signs & Causes
No matter who you might be, the teenage years are inevitably a difficult time. You are constantly feeling the pressures of the outside world demanding you to form an identity, figure out your life, and conform to your surroundings while still remaining unique. But if...
Transgender Identity Affirmation and Mental Health
The Relationship Between Transgender Identity Affirmation & Mental Health Whether we are willing to admit it as parents or not, gender and sex can both be very complicated subjects. Both gender and sex can complicate the life of a teenager, and if they identify as...
The Risky Combination of Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse
There is no denying the fact that mental health conditions are present in a significant number of American teenagers. But while some teenagers are able to find healthy ways to cope with their condition—whether it is with counseling, meditation, or taking their...
What is Evidence-Based Treatment and Why Does It Work for Teens?
Psychology is a field of study that is constantly changing. Over the past century, the relentless research efforts of psychologists around the world have transformed the discipline from one that was once largely based on subjective analytics to one that now...
Building a Community Around Mental Health – Finding a Support System for Your Teen
For anyone, having access to a community of supportive people and environments are crucial aspects of healthy living. This is especially true when it comes to teenagers. This is because adolescence is a crucial time in development in terms daily habits, balanced...
More Than Skin Deep: How Makeup Can Actually Help with Depression
The teenage years are difficult for both parents and teens alike. As a teenager, you are still trying to figure out who you are and how you want to display yourself to the world. As a parent, you want to give your teenager enough space to express themselves. Although,...
Why Have Teen Depression Rates Been Increasing?
Though teenagers now have more access to mental healthcare resources than they have ever had before, there is currently a major problem facing many Americans. Teenage depression rates have been gradually increasing over the past few decades, and parents,...
Why More Teens Are Making Mental Health a Priority
One of the problems with treating mental health in the United States is the weight of the stigmas associated with receiving a diagnosis and treatment. Though our collective understanding of mental health conditions has tremendously improved over the past few...
4 Proven Ways to Improve Your Teen’s Mental Health
As human beings, there are simple, every day things we must do to survive. We have to drink water, eat food, and sleep. While we all may seem to innately know what to do in response to these physiological needs, responding to them can be a more difficult, easily...
Transgender Identity Should Not Be Treated as a Mental Illness
In a nation that is just 300 years past believing that if a woman floated in water that means she is a witch, there is no denying that our society has quite frequently had a problem with incorrectly labeling things. When people are confronted with something that is...
‘Fandoms’ Can Be Surprisingly Beneficial for Teen Mental Health
To parents whose teens seem to be obsessed with a particular band, TV show, book/movie series, or character, it may be surprising to learn that this apparent ‘obsession’ is something that may be beneficial for their mental health. Fandoms—a portmanteau of the words...
Five Therapeutic Benefits of Art Programs for Teenagers
Experiential treatment methods are proven to be effective in helping teenagers combat the hopeless feelings experienced when suffering from mental illness. Creative therapies can help adolescents engage in the world around them, regaining control of their own lives....
Why Parents Need To Talk to Their Teens About Internet Addiction
The negative effects internet use has on teen mental health is being researched more and more every day. Talking with your teen can help to determine whether or not the internet has a negative impact on their life. Today, the internet and technology are constantly...
How to Talk With Your Teen About Alcohol
Bringing up the subject of drinking can be uncomfortable. That is why it is important to know what to avoid when opening up a discussion with your teen. When your child becomes a teenager, the role of being a parent can take a dynamic turn. Rather than helping them...
Community Mental Health Center Los Angeles
Trusted Mental Health Care in Los Angeles Polaris Teen Center in Los Angeles, California, stands out when you’re looking for an effective mental health care. There are a number of reasons we’ve had success working with teens who suffer from anxiety disorders, eating...
Alcohol and Your Teen – Identifying Alcohol Abuse
Underage drinking is considered a serious health issue in this country. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance when it comes to American youth, despite the legal drinking age being set at 21. In fact, in 2015, more than 30% of teens reported they had consumed...
Self Harm in Teenagers
As difficult as it can be to sometimes address, self harm in teenagers has become a major issue. In fact, according to some studies, patterns of self harm occur in as many as 1 in 5 females and 1 in 7 males each year. Because the teenage years are associated with high...
grat·i·tude noun: gratitude the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. With the Santa Monica Mountains in the background, I gaze out my bay window, in the early morning hours. The sun is breaking through the clouds and...

Los Angeles Mental Health
There are many Los Angeles mental health facilities, including several that focus on teen treatment. So, what sets Polaris Teen apart? Why send your teen to Polaris Teen when he or she is struggling with depression, anxiety, OCD, Asperger’s, anxiety disorders or any...
Identifying Teen Mood Disorders
Teen Mood Disorders Adolescence has always had its challenges. It's a time of transition, a time of rapid growth, a time when changing bodies and changing hormones collide full speed with peer pressure. There's an increasing need for independence and a desire to...
Talking With Your Teens
Imagine for a minute, your teenager comes home from school, stomps off to their room without saying hello or uttering a single word. Naturally you would be concerned and want to know why are they so upset. So you knock and they yell through the door, for you to leave...
Teen Alcohol Abuse: Finding the Right Treatment Center
If you believe your teen has a drinking problem, finding the right teen treatment center could be a lifesaver. It can be hard to admit that your teen’s drinking problem has gotten out of hand – and it can be even harder to admit that help is needed. Choosing a teen...
Top Treatment Centers
Top Treatment Centers Are you a parent or guardian whose teen is struggling with drug or alcohol abuse and want to find the top teenage residential treatment center Los Angeles has to offer? There are many teen programs available in Los Angeles, but you need to do...